- With his coming are the dread fires born again. The hills burn, and the land turns sere. The tides of men run out, and the hours dwindle. The wall is pierced, and the veil of parting raised. Storms rumble beyond the horizon, and the fires of heaven purge the earth. There is no salvation without destruction, no hope this side of death."
Onun gelişiyle dehşet ateşleri yeniden doğar. Tepeler yanar; topraklar kurur. İnsanlar sürü sürü kaybolur; saatler tükenir. Duvar delinir; ayrılık peçesi örtülür. Ufkun ötesinde fırtınalar gürler; gökyüzünün ateşleri yeryüzünü kavurur. Yıkım olmadan kurtuluş yok ve ölümün bu yanında umut yok.
Ejder Kehanetlerin’den bir alıntı
Hol Cuchonelu Raiden’in Baş Nedimesi ve Tezkılıcı
"Master of the lightnings, rider on the storm, wearer of a crown of swords, spinner-out of fate. Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time, may learn the truth too late."
- From a fragmentary translation of The Prophecies of the Dragon, attributed to Lord Mangore Kiramin, Sword-bard of Aramaelle and Warder to Caraighan Maconar, into what was then called the vulgar tongue (circa 300 AB).
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